Star Wars fan? Prepare to drool as we show you some very, very rare new figures in two sets.
The first is the Clone Wars 2013 Wave 1, featuring R2-D2, Captain Rex, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, a 501st Jet Pack Trooper, Darth Maul, a battle droid, Savage Opress and Commander Cody S4.
Next up, the Movie Heroes 2013 Wave 1 sends out Obi-Wan (Episode II), a sandtrooper, a battle droid, Episode III Anakin, Episode I R2-D2, Episode II Jango Fet, Darth Maul, Darth Vader and Episode II Yoda.
These guys are only available as cases of 12 and each figure is about 3.75 inches tall and features some awesome articulation and weaponry. Both sets are incredibly rare, too, so you should definitely snag these while you can if you’re a collector!
Tagged: a 501st Jet Pack Trooper, a battle droid, a sandtrooper, Anakin Skywalker, Captain Rex, Clone Wars, Commander Cody S4, Darth Maul, darth vader, Episode I R2-D2, Episode II Jango Fet, Episode II Yoda, Episode III Anakin, Exclusive, figures, limited, Obi-Wan (Episode II), Obi-Wan Kenobi, R2-D2, Savage Opress, star wars